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jpic titleWelcome to this introduction to our international Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation section of the website. The spirit of our commitment to JPIC is expressed in our vision, which is based on the letter of our founder Saint Maria de Mattias:
“We Adorers of the Blood of Christ are called to live our discipleship as mystics and prophets of that beautiful new order of things which the Great Son of God came to establish in his Blood.”
JPIC is the conscious prayer and action to transform the world in the spirit of the Gospel through lives of justice, peace and care for the integrity of creation.
In the document of our General Assembly-Acts 2011 we call ourselves – “as ecclesial women, collaborators of redemption, we feel the challenge to choose life, to be a prophetic presence of communion, dialogue and reconciliation. We risk welcoming the challenges that this time is generating, and we are open to communal discernment in the building up of God’s Reign. We feel a part of the lives of others, especially with those persons who are impoverished, choosing to be in solidarity with all humanity and all creation. We commit ourselves to take off our shoes to walk in respect for the sacred space of other people and to grow in humanness in our mutual relationships. We are called through a contemplative stance toward all of life which fosters an awareness in each cultural reality of the sacred circles present in our world and creation, impels us to apostolic presence and witness in light of our charism, and leads us to share our goods and resources in answer to the cry of the blood.”
Many sisters in our Regions, foundations and missions are involved in JPIC in diverse ways. They respond to the needs of today with open eyes,  with a sensitive heart and Hands ready for the work of charity.  To have a picture of our JPIC activity’s you can read the reports in the monthly newsletter. In seeing how JPIC is approached in these examples we also see a reflection of our charism, we see the inevitable weaving of spirituality, education and justice.
In our GA-Acts we are called to … “make our own the hopes and joys, the griefs, especially of the poor and oppressed. Through living and announcing the gospel of love justice and peace, we share in the transformation of the world.”

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