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Anniversary to Remember

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Sr Grace Innocent Mwenda
Sr Lucija Grgić
Sr Maria Orsino


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VIVAT International is a faith-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), foundet by the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) and the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS). We, Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC) together with other Congregations are Full Members since 2011.
At the GA in 2011 we Adorers called us: “ ….. as ecclesial women we want to foster networking with laity, VIVAT and other NGO’s other congregations and local and national governments; we want to take a stand in local, national and international situations and choices that do not foster Gospel values;
We  undertake this journey of following Jesus, citizen of the world, …….
The name VIVAT comes from the Latin verb “VIVERE” meaning “to LIVE” and expresses the deep wish for all that exists: “may s/he live, may all persons live, may all creation live”. It responds to our call of the General Assembly 2011 “ Choose Life”.
The logo depicts three persons embracing, welcoming and supporting on another while at the same time looking beyond their own circle to the larger outer world that is longing for unity and communion. The three olive shoots springing from the second letter of VIVAT stand for the hope and the transformation that VIVAT International envisages for the world. Colour green symbolizes the life and newness that VIVAT hopes to bring about in our world through its grassroots and advocacy services.

Vision: Sharing a Vision of the world and of every human being as created in goodness and dignity, and believing, defending and proactively supporting the equality in rights and in dignity of all individuals, peoples and cultures, VIVAT’s presence at UN envisages attaining a world of equality, justice, reconciliation, peace and care of the environment. We are sharing a vision that every human being is created in goodness and dignity; Believing in the equality in rights and in dignity of all individuals, peoples and cultures;  It’s a vision, rooted in our ASC spirituality “Each person is worthy of the blood of Christ.”

Mission: VIVAT engages in a two-fold mission of working at the grassroots as well as doing advocacy and lobbying work at the UN. The mission of VIVAT is realized in the following way:
- Work with persons and groups who live in poverty of any kind, and share in their efforts for a restoration and preservation of well-being, dignity and freedom.
- Promote human rights, sustainable development, understanding and harmony between peoples, cultures, classes, religions and beliefs; strive towards the creation of a world society and local communities that encourage the inclusion and participation of all.
Work for ecological sustainability, the protection of biodiversity, and the preservation of the richness of the planet for future generations. We commit ourselves to promote justice, harmony and reconciliation in the world.

We therefore aim to:

8. Reach out to persons and peoples living in poverty of any kind, share in their efforts for a restoration of well-being, dignity and freedom, their participation in all, we promote human rights.
9. We work for ecological sustainability, the protection of biodiversity and the preservation of the richness of the planet for future generations.
11. Our focuses are on the following issues:
- Human Rights particularly in the areas of women, Poverty eradication, Sustainable development and culture of peace.

Goals:  VIVAT International addresses human rights issues with particular focus on the rights of children, women, and eradication of poverty, sustainable development and the culture of peace. It has set the following goals:
- Engage in advocacy and lobbying on issues of human rights, justice and peace at the headquarters of the UN and its regional offices and desks in Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the Americas.
- National Branches will advocate and lobby on issues of human rights, justice and peace with the governments of their countries. Additionally, they can use pertinent UN regional mechanisms for this work.
-  Promote networking and awareness-raising among VIVAT members through the sharing and distribution of information on our areas of focus.
- Work at the grassroots and glean the grassroots experiences and insights from its members and bring these to the attention of others, particularly the UN.
- Provide a liaison for networking and collaboration with other agencies and NGOs.

VIVAT recognizes that these goals are compatible with the work of the UN for human rights, peace, and development. VIVAT also recognizes that the UN is an important forum for collaboration with others in the world who share these goals. VIVAT, therefore, seeks to work together with the UN, as well with other agencies and NGO’s.
VIVAT believes that the presence and long term experience of our members, in many and varied situations in the world, is an important resource for achieving these goals.
Milleniumgoals / Sustenaible Development Goals
- Erdeciate extreme poverty and hunger

Our Focuses are on these Issues: Human Rights particularly in the areas of Women and children, Poverty eradication, sustainable Development and culture of peace
Networking for Advocacy – to stand up for the once who have no voice
To promote networking and awareness among VIVAT members through sharing and distribution of information on our areas of Focus

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