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International Community Title
Generalate House 2017/2018
From the ASC Constitution(L.C.#6)

“Made one in him by Baptism and Eucharist, and by our religious consecration and charism, we are called to grow together toward unity in life and love, as Father, Son and Spirit are one. As the quality of our presence to one another becomes more loving, our community life itself will be a prophetic sign of what the whole Church is called to become: a communion of love in which people of every tribe and tongue and nation are united”. (Rev. 5: 9,10)
The community of the general house is an international reality that aims to become an intercultural community in response to the signs of the times and the call of the Universal Church.
It is made up of 19 sisters of 8 nationalities from the five continents: Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa, and five different religious congregations: Adorers of the Blood of Christ, from the Franciscan Immacolatine Sisters , Oblate Catechists Little Servants of the Poor, Franciscan Clarist Congregation , Sisters of Charity.

foto comunità Internazionale
April 21 2018 Activity
Intercultural living is no longer  an  experience  that is “good to have” but  today, it has become a necessity.
Living in a truly intercultural environment means having discomfort with us as a constant companion. It is a part of the process of transformation that we are going through as we are  internalizing a new perspective on the world, rethinking our existing beliefs, integrating old and new beliefs, and ultimately forming a new worldview.
Yes transformation begins with small steps that leaves behind  long-term influences.

Sr. Bridget Pulickakunnel, ASC

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