

Reserved Area

Anniversary to Remember

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Sr Grace Innocent Mwenda
Sr Lucija Grgić
Sr Maria Orsino


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Ministres title“Our apostolic goal is to share the fruits of  redemption with others, especially the poor, through works of evangelization and charity.  Mindful of the self-giving love which impelled the Congregation Maria De Mattias to be wholly consumed in varied ministries for her "dear neighbor," our apostolic services, are diversified according to the real needs of others and our own giftedness. . As diaconal women we encourage one another to be available and responsive as we discern together in docility to the Spirit the ministries to which the Lord calls us.”(L.C. 34)

“In order of be faithful to our tradition in meeting the needs of God's people, especially the poor, during all the phases of their lives, we continue to engage in diverse ministries.  Among these are works of education, retreats, pastoral services, lay associations, domestic service, health care, social services and care of the aged.  We carry out our apostolate not only in the geographic area of the region, but also in distant areas where there is special need”. (Statutes 43)

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