Liturgy of the Hours (27)
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HYMNJesus, prize and crownof your faithful servants,glorify your name.Grant to your Church,who venerates Francis Xavier,victory over evil.Following your stepson the…
Published in
December 3 - Saint Francis Xavier
MidmorningAnt. I know him in whom I have believed and I am confident he, just judge that he is, is…
Published in
December 3 - Saint Francis Xavier
HYMN O Christ, Word of the Father,glorious king among the saints,light and salvation of the world,we believe in you.Food and…
Published in
December 3 - Saint Francis Xavier
InvitatoryAnt. On the feast of Saint Francis Xavier, Come, let us adore the Lord Jesus, light of the people.PSALM 95 …
Published in
December 3 - Saint Francis Xavier
HYMNIn grateful jubilation, O Father, we praise you:You are our light and guide to heaven;Every follower, O blessed Gaspar,In you…
Published in
October 21 - Saint Gaspar Del Bufalo
Complementary psalmody. However, if the solemnity is celebrated on Sunday, the psalms are taken from Sunday, Week I. Mid-morningAnt. May…
Published in
October 21 - Saint Gaspar Del Bufalo
HYMN I saw a man, sent by God, shouting in the land of death: “Come back to life! Open wide…
Published in
October 21 - Saint Gaspar Del Bufalo
Invitatory Ant. On the feast of Saint Gaspar, come everyone: let us praise the Lord, our eternal salvation. PSALM 95 …
Published in
October 21 - Saint Gaspar Del Bufalo
HYMNIn grateful jubilation, O Father, we praise you:You are our light and guide to heaven;Every follower, O blessed Gaspar,In you…
Published in
October 21 - Saint Gaspar Del Bufalo
HYMN At the cross her station keeping, Stood the mournful mother weeping, Close to Jesus to the last. Virgin of…
Complementary psalmody. However, if the solemnity is celebrated on Sunday, the psalms are taken from Sunday, Week I.Mid-morningAnt. In holiness…
HYMNAt the cross her station keeping,Stood the mournful Mother weeping,Close to Jesus to the last.O sweet Mother! Font of love,Touch…
INVITATORYAnt. In memory of Mary united with her Son in his passion, let us adore Christ our Lord. PSALM 95 …
HYMN At the cross her station keeping,Stood the mournful Mother weeping,Close to Jesus to the last.Virgin of all virgins blest!Listen…