The Church of the Precious Blood is annexed to the general house of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ.
Dedicated on March 4, 1943, it was renovated in 1964-65. Composed of three naves, in the apse is adorned with a mosaic made by Prof. Augusto Ranocchi of the University of Rome. The mosaic depicts Christ Crucified, at whose feet are Santa Maria De Mattias and San Gaspare del Bufalo. Christ, with the pierced and bleeding side, has his eyes open; the white color of his body refers to the light of the resurrection. In the crucified Jesus the Paschal Mystery of death and life has already fully accomplished and the cosmos that surrounds Him – expressed in the mosaic with the sky, the earth, the sea and the darkness of the underworld - awaits its full revelation.
Maria De Mattias, kneeling at the feet of her Lord, turns her gaze into his gaze in adoration.
In the right side chapel is the bronze urn of Santa Maria De Mattias, made by Giambattista Conti of Rome. The mortal remains of the Foundress of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ rest here since they were moved by the Church annexed to the house of the ASC in Via San Giovanni in Laterano in the year of the beatification (1950).
The Station of the Cross is the work of the artist Angelo Biancini from Faenza, who worked there in 1965-66.
In it, the figure of Christ, in contrast to the other figures, is always presented erected in order to emphasize His majesty.
First and last station of the Cross of the artist Angelo Biancini. Jesus condemned by Pilate and Jesus deposed in the sepulcher.
Chiesa del Preziosissimo Sangue Largo Pannonia
00183 ROMA
July 1 Solemnity of the Most Precious Blood
Eucharistic Celebration 9.00 AM
Month of July
Daily Mass at 7, 30 AM
Sunday Mass at 9,00 AM
No Mass on Saturday Evening
Month of August
No daily Mass
Sunday Mass at 9,00 AM
No Mass on Saturday evening
Month of September
Daily Mass at 7,15 AM
Sunday Mass at 9,00 AM