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Saturday, 07 December 2024 10:10

Jubilee of the Precious Blood

Dear Sisters, Associates, Sojourners, Lay Consecrated Women and friends,
 The Year of Jubilee is soon to be open. As you know there is a commission preparing for the celebration of the Jubilee by the Family of the Precious Blood.
 There is now a weblink for this celebration. Please find the link below and "bookmark it" in your favorites.
 Over the months ahead, there is hope to add various resources and information. Be sure to come back and visit the page.
 Let us take this time as holy and sacred. Let us call on the power of the Blood of Christ to bring reconciliation, compassion and peace to our wounded and fractured world. May we be instruments of Christs compassionate love for all.
 Blessings and peace,

Sr Maria Hughes, asc General Superior

 Rome, November 26, 2024

Greetings and prayers for peace throughout our world,

As we prepare this letter, our Church is in Synod whose theme is How to be a missionary synodal Church. The meditations given during the preparatory retreat before the synod by Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP invite us to pause and ponder. Fr. Radcliffe used four themes of Christ’s resurrection in the Gospel of John. We invite you to visit the Vatican News website to ponder his words and challenges. These reflections call us to mercy and reconciling love.

We live in a very perplexing time in our Church, our world, in religious life and in our own congregation and local areas. We see and experience so much struggle for communion, when we as Adorers are called to be promoters of communion. There are wars, conflicts, polarizing actions between and among peoples. We bring our own human vulnerability to our life together as local community and congregation. How do we hold all this struggle in our hearts and not allow it to distract us and our mission of promoting communion? What could it look like to be persons of communion? Lights in the midst of darkness, hope in the midst of despair, Love in the midst of pain and suffering.

We are invited to focus on the healing and reconciling power of the Paschal Mystery. We have come to know the Christ of the Gospels, the Christ who lived, died and became fully known in the Resurrection.

This month we have eight women who are part of our heritage and are witnesses of the healing and reconciling power of Christ’s Life Blood. They were persons who lived their human life trusting God would accompany them in their weakness, their challenges, gifts, their vulnerability and frailty.

We remember Venerable Serafina Cinque, the “the white angel of the Trans Amazonian Highway”

She was a very simple, practical person of faith. She relied on Divine Providence for the immediate needs and ways to ensure a future fullness of life for the dear neighbor. She sought to establish structures and systems to ensure good education, immediate health care and formation so that all may know their own dignity and become self-supporting. She is remembered as often saying, “How good God is.”

martiriWe remember our Five Sisters – Martyrs of Charity

Here we have five diverse expressions of the ASC charism with a common mission in Liberia West Africa. They sought to be present to whatever was most needed for our dear neighbor. They provided education, healthcare, social services, pastoral formation, accompaniment and empowerment. They felt the call to solidarity with the people deep in their hearts as a war creating pain, mistrust and broken relationships raged around them. They were truly called to be credible witnesses of charity by their communion with those who suffered.

We hear in their words vulnerable and mission centered Adorers:

“Never before have I felt I was supposed to be there. Now I believe I am supposed to go. I believe we need to move to the call of our mission, not to the call of our comfort.”

Sister Kathleen McGuire, ASC

“I’m glad that I came. There have been learnings in pain, vulnerability and suffering, which I probably would not have allowed myself to experience in another place and culture. This may be the most growthful time of my existence because it is the lives of my sisters and brothers that now have highest priority.” Sister Agnes Mueller, ASC

“Making this moment the best we can is the way life goes best. We’ve got to share with our whole body as well as our soul when we do something, and that is the difference between being alive or dead.” Sister Mary Joel Kolmer, ASC

“Perhaps we will come to see the day when everyone recognizes that we all inherit the earth and we can allow each person, each people to claim their rightful inheritance.” Sister Shirley Kolmer, ASC

“Well, it is two years now that the war started and it looks as if (Liberian guerilla fighter Charles Taylor) will not give up his land of fortune, between carrying buckets of diamonds and gold out of the country, also all the timber.” Sister Barbara Ann Muttra, ASC

We remember our Two Martyrs of Faith in Croatia

In these two women we find the mystery of God’s mission continuing beyond us. It is God’s mission not our own. These two women, caught in the midst of a violent world war were forced to make courageous choices. They remained true to their call to the charism and mission as Adorers, outside of the Adorers. They could have been forgotten, but the memory of their care and courage lived beyond them in those who knew and experienced their presence. God has a mission.

We remember these women and call them our Sisters of Faith:

Josipa Nevistić dispensed due to the ravages of World War II, continued to promote the faith and catechism. Following the war she suffered imprisonment, abuse and death. She is recorded among the Croatian martyrs of the Second World War. Only in the1990’s after the fall of communism was the light of her mission and presence revealed.

Eulalija Kuller

She too was a victim of the ravages of war, when our community house was appropriated by communists and the sisters were dispersed. She courageously searched for a place to live and serve, bringing the gift of music to a dark place. She too was abused and killed.  The local people knew her as a Martyr of faith, bringing her story to life after 1990.

Today, we, Adorers of the Blood of Christ and those who share in our charism, continue to be called as promoters of communion. People who know what it means to be human, forgiven, loved, accepted with our limitations and our gifts, given space to be fully ourselves in all our diversity. We have known the unconditional love of God and seek to bring this same reconciling love to all.

How might we be remembered? Adorers of the Blood of Christ, committed to deep and discerning listening, promoters of communion in every place, space and periphery. Persons who recognized their human frailty and celebrated God’s limitless grace. Promoters of Christ’s reconciling love for the dignity and life of All. See how they love one another.

Blessings of grace and peace,

Sr Maria Hughes, asc General Superior
Sunday, 01 December 2024 09:21

Advent in prayer for peace

I ask our Lord Jesus Christ to grant that his Sacred Heart may continue to pour forth the streams of living water that can heal the hurt we have caused,
strengthen our ability to love and serve others,
and inspire us to journey together towards a just, solidary and fraternal world.
Until that day when we will rejoice in celebrating together the banquet of the heavenly kingdom in the presence of the risen Lord,
who harmonizes all our differences in the light that radiates perpetually from his open heart.

May he be blessed forever.
Francis, Dilexit nos, 220

I am grateful to the Lord for his gift to spend a few days with the postulants who were preparing for the novitiate praying with them and for them.
Our journey began with a pilgrimage to Vallecorsa, where we stopped at the places that marked the milestones of St. Maria De Mattias' Christian initiation and vocation. Sr Isabella and Sr Concetta warmly welcomed us, offering hospitality and a good lunch.
Arriving in the evening in Acuto, we wanted to ask for the intercession of the Foundress before her relic in the little church of the Motherhouse. All the sisters we met, Sr Teresina, Sr Martha, Sr Rani, Sr Maria Grazia, Sr Maria, Sr Angela, Sr Transito, Sr Gabriella, showed us affection and welcome, ensuring that atmosphere of serenity that helped us to pray.
There were five of us: Mariia from Russia, Mirjana from Australia, Antonjia and Tereza from Croatia. The postulants from Tanzania were unable to join us, but they too had their spiritual retreat in preparation for entering the novitiate a few days before us. Sr. Mariamma, the novice directress, was with us only for the beginning of our stay because she had to return to Rome to welcome the other companions from Tanzania.
We prayed in the silence of Acuto devoting ourselves to listening to the Word of God and reflecting on the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The weather was very variable, tending toward cold and rainy, but it allowed us to greet Acuto on a beautiful sunny day.
The young people were very committed and eager to follow the Lord. I believe the Holy Spirit found docile and joyful hearts in them. I thank them for their prayers and for that underlying serenity that accompanied the days spent together.  
In time the fruits will ripen!

Sr. Patrizia Pasquini, ASC

Articolo Novizie Acuto
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