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Sr Maria Mercedes Redondo Gutierrez


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Wednesday, 13 May 2020 09:38

Frontliners of Faith

It was towards the end of 2019 when the outbreak of N-corona virus started to kill many in Wuhan, China. The news brought worry to the whole world, but the impact of its implication was not yet felt. February of 2020, Italy’s cases surge to thousands, news of death especially of priests was all over. The world became alarmed.
In the beginning of March, cases were confirmed in the Philippines. The Philippine government immediately acted on measures to prevent the spread of the disease. Fear is felt everywhere. Community quarantines were ordered, from a simple quarantine, to enhanced, to extreme. Only one person from each family is allowed to go out and provide for basic needs, all establishments are closed except for those related to basic necessities. Social distancing is strictly observed.
Despite the preventive measures, numbers of afflicted are increasing day after day. Doctors die in service, a lot more are infected. It is the time when discernment is not anymore needed. St. Maria De
Mattias Mission Clinic is a place where sick people can go for refuge especially when hospitals are more focused on the Covid 19 cases. Fear and care for families kept the collaborators at home for
their safety.
As long as there are doctors committed to save lives, the Mission clinic will continue its operation with the 3 Adorers as its frontliners. It was not an extraordinary move, it was not even a fruit of a long discernment. We just find ourselves united in a natural response of being Adorers who heard the cry of the blood.
It is a risk for we never will know if one of our patients is infected with the virus, but risk is a path which St. Maria De Mattias took a lot of times to collaborate with Christ in His work of redemption.
Risk is our path too, but in taking this risk, we are also in the stance of protecting ourselves with necessary precautions to be as safe as possible. We cannot stop living out our charism and spirituality especially in times when it is most needed. We only die once; what matters is how we lived. We are blessed that daily Eucharistic celebration is held in our chapel as Masses in parishes are suspended. We are blessed that the tasks for the coming Holy Week celebration is given to us Religious in our parish for the online viewing of the people. “Frontliners,” this is our identity, not only in witnessing our faith but acting on it. We are the frontliners of Christ, vaccinated with His precious Blood according to Pope Francis.
We continue to be united in prayers for the healing of the world. We, Adorers, continue to be frontliners of the Church in our own little ways; in our own given realities and circumstances.
Keep safe everyone.
Sr. Flor Manga, ASC

frontliners fede 2
Friday, 03 April 2020 08:07

In Christ’s paschal mystery

Greetings to you dear sisters, friends, collaborators, lay associates who share our spirituality and mission in the Church and in the world!  
We come to you from our Generalate in Rome because we wish to express our closeness to you, and let you know our solidarity, our affection, and above all our friendship in this time of precariousness and vulnerability. We want to share with you the trust and hope we carry in our hearts, the fruit of daily encounter with the Word of God and the healing power of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
The Word of God is like dew that reaches us and revives us, it gives us new energy to face with a renewed heart the daily life that we are called to assume and live to the full. It is gentle light that dispels the darkness of fear and dullness that envelops these days. Through prayer of intercession, we grow in communion and solidarity with those who live on the front lines, who struggle and fight this pandemic and great health crisis.
These are difficult days that will go down in history, as the second great pandemic of the 21st century. But I am sure that we will speak of these days with grateful hearts and be witnesses of a salvation story if we are able to see God's passage through our daily lives, both personal and communal.
We are facing this crisis with determination and courage, but we are also aware that in us and around us we can already see the first signs of newness and transformation that God is sowing. So many signs of change: a new sense of collectivity, a new dimension of communion, of community. We have a desire to feel encouraged, to support each other in overcoming that individuality which for so long has kept us distant.
In this time we are forced to return to the essentials, to recover those founding values of our life that make us truly more human and more Christian. We are encouraged to recover the value of small things, of gestures, of attention to others, of kindness, of courtesy, of love that fills our whole life with meaning. So, let us really hasten to love.  Let us hasten to be a gift for one another, because really, life is a free gift and nothing can be taken for granted.
Let us also ask Maria De Mattias to help and support us.   Let us base our lives every day on the Word of God, a stable rock, so that we can be women and men who bring to the world the beauty of a redeemed life, a life marked by the joy of redemption because Christ saved us at the price of His Blood.

Nel mistero della Pasqua di Cristo

Buongiorno a tutte, sorelle carissime.
Un saluto a voi amici, collaboratori, laici associati che condividete con noi la nostra spiritualità  e missione nella Chiesa e nel mondo.
Vi raggiungiamo da Roma,  da nostra casa generalizia, perché desideriamo ad esprimervi la nostra vicinanza.
Vogliamo trasmettervi la nostra solidarietà, il nostro affetto, ma soprattutto la nostra amicizia in questo tempo di precarietà e  di vulnerabilità.
Vogliamo condividere, così come ci è possibile la fiducia e la speranza che portiamo nel cuore e che sono il frutto di un incontro quotidiano con la Parola di Dio, e con l'esperienza sanante del Sangue Prezioso di Gesù Cristo.
La Parola di Dio è come rugiada che ci raggiunge e ci rivivifica, ci dona l'energia nuova per affrontare con cuore rinnovato il quotidiano che siamo chiamati ad assumere e a vivere in pienezza. E' luce gentile che dissipa le tenebre della paura e dell'opacità che sta avvolgendo questi nostri giorni.    Attraverso la preghiera di intercessione, noi cresciamo in comunione e in solidarietà con coloro che vivono  in prima linea, che lottano e combattono questa epidemia e questa grande crisi sanitaria.
Giorni difficili che passeranno alla storia come i giorni della seconda grande pandemia del ventunesimo secolo. Ma sono certa che racconteremo questi giorni con il cuore grato e saremo testimoni di una storia di salvezza se saremo capaci di scorgere il passaggio di Dio dentro questo nostro quotidiano, personale e comunitario.
Con determinazione e con coraggio stiamo affrontando questa crisi, ma siamo anche consapevoli che in noi e intorno a noi già possiamo cogliere i primi segni di novità e di trasformazione che Dio sta seminando. Tanti segni di cambiamento, un senso nuovo di collettività, una dimensione nuova di comunione, di comunità. Abbiamo desiderio di sentirci di incoraggiarci, di sostenerci di superare quel individualità che per tanto tempo ci ha mantenuti distanti pur vicinissimi.
Siamo costretti in questo tempo a tornare al essenziale a ricuperare quei valori fondanti il nostro vivere che ci rendono veramente più umani e più cristiani. Siamo incoraggiate a ricuperare il valore delle piccole cose, dei gesti, dell’attenzione agli altri, della gentilezza, della cortesia, dell’amore che riempia di significato tutto il nostro vivere.
Allora, affrettiamoci davvero ad amare, affrettiamoci ad essere dono l’una per l’altra, perché davvero, la vita è un dono gratuito e niente è scontato.
Chiediamo allora anche a Maria De Mattias di aiutarci, di sostenerci  e di appoggiare ogni giorno  la nostra vita sulla parola di Dio, roccia stabile, per poter essere uomini e donne che portano al mondo la bellezza della vita redenta, la vita segnata dalla gioia della redenzione che Cristo ci ha conquistato a  prezzo del suo Sangue.

U otajstvu Kristova Uskrsnuća

Dobar dan, drage sestre.
Pozdrav vama prijatelji, suradnici i pridruženi laici koji s nama dijelite našu duhovnost i poslanje u Crkvi i svijetu.
Pozdravljamo vas iz Rima, iz naše generalne kuće, jer vam želimo izraziti našu blizinu.
Želimo vam posredovati našu solidarnost i osjećaje, ali prije svega prijateljstvo, u ovom vremenu nesigurnosti i ranjivosti.
Ovim putem želimo podijeliti s vama povjerenje i nadu koje nosimo u svojim srcima, a koje su plod svakodnevnog susreta s Riječju Božjom i iscjeljujuće snage Predragocjene Krvi Isusa Krista.
Riječ Božja je poput rose koja se spušta na nas i oživljava, daje nam novu snagu da se obnovljenim srcem suočimo sa svakodnevnim životom koji smo pozvani živjeti u punini. To je nježno svjetlo koje tjera nejasnoću, tamu straha, koja obavija i zasjenjuje naše dane. Kroz zagovornu molitvu rastemo u zajedništvu i solidarnosti s onima koji žive na prvim crtama, koji se suočavaju i bore protiv ove epidemije i velike zdravstvene krize.
Ovo su teški dani koji će ući u povijest kao dani druge velike pandemije dvadeset prvog stoljeća. Sigurna sam da ćemo se sjećati ovih dana zahvalna srca i da ćemo biti svjedoci povijesti spasenja, ako budemo sposobni uočiti Božji prolaz u našoj svakodnevici, u osobnom i zajedničkom životu.
Uz hrabro i odlučno suočavanje s ovom krizom, svjesni smo također da u nama i oko nas već možemo prepoznati prve znakove novosti i preobrazbe koje Bog sije. Puno znakova promjene, novog osjećaja prema zajednici, nove dimenzije zajedništva, zajednice. Imamo potrebu osjetiti se ohrabrenima, podržavati se u prevladavanju individualnosti koja nas je dugo vremena držala podalje jedne od drugih, čak i kad smo blizu.
U ovom smo vremenu prisiljeni vratiti se bitnome i ponovno otkriti temeljne vrijednosti našeg života koje nas uistinu čine boljim ljudima i kršćanima. Potaknuti smo vratiti vrijednost malim stvarima, gestama pažnje prema drugima, ljubaznosti, susretljivosti, ljubavi koja daje smisao cijelom našem življenju.
Stoga, požurimo se uistinu voljeti, žurimo biti dar jedni drugima, jer stvarno, život je besplatan dar i ništa se ne podrazumijeva.
Molimo i Mariju De Mattias da nam pomogne, i svojim zagovorom nas podrži da svoj svakodnevni život temeljimo na Božjoj riječi, čvrstoj stijeni, kako bismo bili muškarci i žene koji donose u svijet ljepotu otkupljenog života, života obilježenog radošću otkupljenja koje je za nas Krist zadobio cijenom svoje Krvi.

Im Ostergeheimnis Christi

Ich grüsse euch, liebe Schwestern, Freunde, Mitarbeiter, Laienmitarbeiter, die unsere Spiritualität und unsere Sendung in der Kirche und in der Welt teilen! 
Wir gelangen von unserem Generalat in Rom zu euch, weil wir euch unsere Nähe zum Ausdruck bringen und euch unsere Solidarität, unsere Zuneigung und vor allem unsere Freundschaft in dieser Zeit der Unsicherheit und Verwundbarkeit mitteilen möchten. Wir möchten mit euch das Vertrauen und die Hoffnung teilen, die wir in unseren Herzen tragen, die Frucht der täglichen Begegnung mit dem Wort Gottes und der heilenden Kraft des kostbaren Blutes Jesu Christi.
Das Wort Gottes ist wie Tau, der uns erreicht und belebt, es gibt uns neue Energie, um mit erneuertem Herzen dem täglichen Leben zu begegnen, das wir annehmen und in vollen Zügen leben sollen. Es ist sanftes Licht, das die Dunkelheit der Angst und der Dumpfheit, die diese Tage umgibt, vertreibt. Durch das Fürbittgebet wachsen wir in Gemeinschaft und Solidarität mit denjenigen, die an der Front leben, die gegen diese Pandemie und die grosse Gesundheitskrise kämpfen und ankämpfen.
Dies sind schwierige Tage, die als zweite große Pandemie des 21. Jahrhunderts in die Geschichte eingehen werden. Aber ich bin sicher, dass wir von diesen Tagen mit dankbaren Herzen sprechen und Zeugen einer Heilsgeschichte sein werden, wenn wir in der Lage sind, Gottes Durchgang durch unser tägliches Leben zu sehen, sowohl persönlich als auch in der Gemeinschaft.
Wir begegnen dieser Krise mit Entschlossenheit und Mut, aber wir sind uns auch bewusst, dass wir in uns und um uns herum bereits die ersten Anzeichen von Neuheit und Verwandlung sehen können, die Gott sät. So viele Zeichen des Wandels: ein neues Gefühl der Gemeinschaft, eine neue Dimension der Gemeinschaft. Wir haben den Wunsch, dass wir uns ermutigt fühlen, uns gegenseitig bei der Überwindung jener Individualität zu unterstützen, die uns so lange voneinander ferngehalten hat.
In dieser Zeit sind wir gezwungen, uns auf das Wesentliche zu besinnen, jene Grundwerte unseres Lebens wiederzugewinnen, die uns wirklich menschlicher und christlicher machen. Wir werden ermutigt, den Wert der kleinen Dinge, der Gesten der Aufmerksamkeit für andere, der Freundlichkeit, der Höflichkeit, der Liebe, die unser ganzes Leben mit Sinn erfüllt, wiederzufinden. Lasst uns also wirklich zur Liebe eilen.  Wir sollten uns beeilen, ein Geschenk füreinander zu sein, denn das Leben ist ein freies Geschenk, und nichts kann als selbstverständlich angesehen werden.
Bitten wir auch Maria De Mattias, uns zu helfen und zu unterstützen.   Lasst uns jeden Tag unser Leben auf das Wort Gottes, einen sicheren Fels, gründen, damit wir Frauen und Männer sein können, die der Welt die Schönheit eines erlösten Lebens bringen, eines Lebens, das von der Freude der Erlösung geprägt ist, weil Christus uns um den Preis seines Blutes gerettet hat.

Katika Fumbo la Pasaka la Kristo

Habari za asubuhi wote, masista wapendwa!
Salamu kwenu marafiki, washiriki, walei wanachama mnaoshiriki pamoja nasi tasaufi yetu katika Kanisa na ulimwenguni.
Kutoka nyumba Kuu ya Roma tunatoa salamu kwa sababu tunatamani kuwaonyesha ukaribu wetu.
Lakini tunataka kuwaonesha ushiriki na upendo wetu hasa urafiki wetu katika kipindi hiki cha shida na mahangaiko.
Hivi tunataka kuwashirikisha, inavyowezekana imani na matumini yetu tuliyonayo moyoni ambayo ni matunda ya kukutana na Neno la Mungu kila siku, pamoja na kuishi uzoefu wa uponyaji kwenye Damu Azizi ya Yesu Kristo.
Neno la Mungu ni kama umande unaotufikia na kutuhuisha, na kututunukia nguvu mpya ili tuweze kukabiliana kwa moyo mpya siku hizi tunazoitwa kuishi kikamilifu. Ni mwanga mtulivu unaondoa giza na upofu wa hofu unaozunguka siku zetu hizi. Kupitia sala na maombi, sisi tunakua katika umoja pamoja na kushirikiana na wale walio katika mstari wa mbele wanaopambana na kupingana na mlipuko huu mkubwa wa hatari kiafya.
Siku ngumu zinazopita kwenye historia kama siku za mlipuko mkubwa wa maambuzi ya pili wa karne ya ishirini. Lakini hakika tutasimulia siku hizi kwa moyo wa shukrani, na tutakuwa mashahidi wa historia ya wokovu kama tutakuwa na uwezo wa kumtambua Mungu katika siku hizi za mpito, binafsi na kijumuiya.
Kwa kumalizia na kwa ujasiri tunakabiliana na tatizo hili, lakini pia tunajua kwamba ndani yetu na kwa wale wanaotuzunguka tayari tunapokea alama za upyaisho na majiundo ambayo Mungu anaendelea kupandikiza.
Alama za mabadiliko mengi,maana mpya ya kuwa pamoja, kwa kipimo kipya cha umoja, na kijumuiya. Tuna hamu ya kusikilizana na kutiana moyo, kusaidiana, kushinda ule utengano, ambao kwa muda mrefu umetuweka mbali hata kama tunaishi karibu sana.
Tunalazimika wakati huu kurudia yaliyo ya muhimu na kurudisha ile misingi ya thamani ya maisha yetu inayotufanya zaidi bindamu na wakristu kweli. Tunatiwa moyo kurudisha thamani ya mambo mdogo, ishara, heshima kwa wengine, upole, adabu, wenye upendo unaojaza maana halisi ya kuishi kwetu.
Kwa hiyo, tufanye haraka kupenda kweli, kuwa zawadi kati yetu mmoja kwa mwingine, kwa sababu kweli maisha ni tunu ya bure na hakuna kinachosahaulika.
Kwa hiyo tumwombe pia Mt. Maria De Mattias atusaidie, kutuimarisha na kutegemeza maisha yetu kila siku kwenye Neno la Mungu, mwamba imara, ili tuwe imara, ili kuwa wanaume na wanawake wanaopeleka ulimwenguni uzuri wa maisha ya waliokombolewa, maisha yaliyowekwa alama ya furaha ya ukombozi ambao Kristo ametununua kwa thamani ya Damu yake Azizi.

W tajemnicy Paschy Chrystusa

Dzień dobry wszystkim, najdroższe Siostry.
Pozdrawiam was, przyjaciele, współpracownicy świeccy i Stowarzyszeni, którzy dzielicie z nami naszą duchowość i misję w Kościele i na świecie.
Przybywamy do Was z Rzymu, z naszego Domu Generalnego, ponieważ pragniemy wyrazić Wam naszą bliskość.
Pragniemy przekazać naszą solidarność i miłość, a przede wszystkim naszą przyjaźń w tym trudnym i niepewnym czasie.
Pragniemy dzielić się, na ile to możliwe zaufaniem i nadzieją, które nosimy w naszych sercach i które są owocem codziennego spotkania ze Słowem Bożym i uzdrawiającym doświadczeniem Najdroższej Krwi Jezusa Chrystusa.
Słowo Boże jest jak rosa, która spada i ożywia nas, dając nam siłę, by z odnowionym sercem stawić czoła codzienności, przyjąć ją i żyć pełnią życia. Jest to delikatne światło, które rozprasza ciemność strachu i niepewności ogarniające nasze dni. Poprzez modlitwę wstawienniczą wzrastamy w komunii i solidarności z tymi, którzy żyją na pierwszej linii frontu, którzy trudzą się i zwalczają tę epidemię i wielki kryzys w służbie zdrowia.
Te trudne dni przejdą do historii jako dni drugiej wielkiej pandemii XXI wieku. Jestem jednak pewna, że będziemy opowiadać o tych dniach z wdzięcznością i staniemy się świadkami historii zbawienia, jeśli osobiście i wspólnotowo dostrzeżemy przejście Boga poprzez tę naszą codzienność. w naszym codziennym, osobistym i wspólnotowym życiu.
Z determinacją i odwagą stawiamy czoła temu kryzysowi, ale z pewnością możemy już dostrzec pierwsze oznaki nowości i przemiany, które Bóg zasiał. Wiele znaków przemiany, nowe znaczenie współpracy, nowy wymiar komunii i wspólnoty. Pragniemy zachęcać się i wspierać w przezwyciężaniu tego indywidualizmu, który przez długi czas trzymał nas z daleka nawet od najbliższych.
W tym czasie jesteśmy zmuszeni, aby powrócić do źródła odnowy fundamentalnych wartości naszego życia, dzięki którym stajemy się bardziej ludźmi i chrześcijanami. Jesteśmy zachęceni do tego, byśmy na nowo uznali wartość rzeczy drobnych, gestów, życzliwości, uprzejmości, zainteresowania i miłości, która nadaje sens całemu naszemu życiu.
Śpieszmy się,  aby kochać, śpieszmy się, aby być dla siebie darem, bo naprawdę życie jest nam darmo dane i bezcenne.
Prośmy również Marię De Mattias, aby nam pomogła i wspierała nas, byśmy opierając nasze życie każdego dnia na Słowie Bożym, mocnej Skale byli kobietami i mężczyznami przynoszącymi światu piękno życia odkupionego, radość odkupienia, którego Chrystus dokonał za cenę swojej Krwi.

En el misterio de la Pascua de Cristo

Buenos días a todas, queridísimas hermanas.
Un saludo a ustedes amigos, colaboradores, laicos asociados que comparten con nosotras la espiritualidad y misión en la Iglesia y en el mundo.
Llegamos hasta ustedes desde Roma, de nuestra casa general, porque queremos expresarles nuestra cercanía.
Queremos transmitirles nuestra solidaridad, nuestro cariño, pero sobre todo nuestra amistad en este tiempo de precariedad y vulnerabilidad.
Queremos compartir, como podemos, la confianza y la esperanza que tenemos en el corazón y que son el fruto de un encuentro cotidiano con la Palabra de Dios y con la experiencia sanadora de la Sangre Preciosa de Jesucristo.
La Palabra de Dios es como llovizna que nos vivifica, nos da energía nueva para enfrentar con corazón renovado la vida cotidiana que estamos llamados a asumir y a vivir en plenitud. Es luz amable que disipa las tinieblas del miedo y de la opacidad que está envolviendo estos nuestros días. A través de la oración de intercesión crecemos en comunión y en solidaridad con quienes viven en primera línea, que luchan y combaten esta epidemia y esta gran crisis sanitaria.
Días difíciles que pasarán a la historia como los días de la segunda gran pandemia del siglo XXI. Estoy segura que contaremos estos días con el corazón agradecido y seremos testigos de una historia de salvación si seremos capaces de vislumbrar el paso de Dios en nuestra cotidianidad, personal y comunitaria.
Estamos enfrentando esta crisis con determinación y coraje, pero también somos conscientes que en nosotras y a nuestro alrededor ya podemos ver los primeros signos de novedad y de transformación que Dios está sembrando. Muchos signos de cambio, un sentido nuevo de colectividad, una dimensión nueva de comunión, de comunidad. Queremos escucharnos y animarnos, sostenernos, superar aquella individualidad que durante mucho tiempo nos mantuvo distantes aunque cercanísimos.
En este tiempo estamos obligadas a volver a lo esencial, a recuperar aquellos valores que fundan nuestro vivir y nos hacen verdaderamente más humanos y cristianos. Somos alentadas a recuperar el valor de las pequeñas cosas, de los gestos, de la atención a los demás, de la amabilidad, de la cortesía, del amor que llena de significado todo nuestro vivir.
Entonces, apurémonos de veras a amar, apurémonos a ser don la una para la otra, porque verdaderamente la vida es un don gratuito y nada está descontado.
Pidamos también a María De Mattias que nos ayude, nos sostenga para apoyar todos los días nuestra vida en la Palabra de Dios, roca estable, para poder ser hombres y mujeres que llevan al mundo la belleza de la vida redimida, la vida marcada por la alegría de la redención que Cristo conquistó para nosotros al precio de su Sangre.

Acuto, March 4, 1834:
This was the Birthday of the Institute of the Adorers of the Most Precious Blood.

Panorama Acuto

"The school was soon full and more than 100 young girls flocked there. But Casa Pilozzi was very uncomfortable and small compared to the number of students... Everything inspired poverty and indigence...
Nevertheless, the new Teacher did not become disheartened; on the contrary, she enjoyed herself in the midst of such hardships and deprivations, reflecting that this is the character of God's works...
Since Casa Pilozzi was not suitable for the School and pious works, the Servant of God decided to rent the somewhat bigger house of Arcadio Frasca, and went to live there on the 27th of June, 1834. (G. Merlini, COMPENDIO della Vita della Serva di Dio MDM, Ediz. 1868, pp. 31-32)

Vicolo Gaudente Casa Frasca

2nd house: Casa Frasca (27th June 1834 - April 1836)

Acuto needed a second teacher.

In early February 1835 Giovanni Merlini sent Anna Farrotti from Albano. Six months after the arrival of her companion Maria De Mattias celebrated with her a Congress of fundamental importance for the beginning of the Institute: it was July 5, 1835.
Maria De Mattias Insegna alle ragazze EN

Today, in celebrating the 186th Anniversary of the Foundation of our Institute, we raise our gratitude first of all to the Lord for having raised it in the Church, and to St. Maria De Mattias, defined by Merlini as "the strong woman, the indefatigable worker, the mirror of Christian virtues, the ornament of the Church, the Foundress of the Congregation of the Adorers of the Most Precious Blood..."
And with Merlini we also say to her: "Remember us from up there. Look over your daughters and pray that the Institute you founded may always take new vigor and flourish with good and zealous religious souls.

This you obtain from God, and may this be the fruit of your sweat, hardship, and struggles."
(G. Merlini, "Elogio funebre per MDM", manoscritto originale pp.24-25)

Documento originale primo congresso EN
Thursday, 23 January 2020 10:17

Festa Santa Maria De Mattias

The liturgical remembrance of the birth of Saint Maria De Mattias and the anniversary of the Foundation of our Institute are two celebrations at the beginning of each year that allow us to relish again the richness of our charismatic identity. They bring us together once more around her who, in an admirable way, helps us to grow as one, offering herself again with the freshness and newness of her life lived as a sign of prophecy.
Celebrating Maria De Mattias’ holiness means retracing her experience, tried by the paschal exodus and forged by the Spirit that made her a gift for the Church and the world. Her life was awaiting, a desire, an impetus to share and give of herself, which made her a bright and intriguing sign.
Hers was a journey of the heart, an existential pilgrimage toward an encounter with Jesus, in a covenant characterized by searching, trusting abandon and the daily option to center herself more and more deeply in His Paschal Mystery which she assimilated into herself.
Her missionary ardor flowed from this deep-rooted interior relationship driving her to commit herself passionately for the salvation of all those to whom Love sent her. The experience of something greatly felt in the intimacy of her heart made her sense within herself the urgency of an announcement woven not of words but of radical, concrete choices and thus of contagious choices filled with prophecy.
The Word of the Blood found fertile ground in her. The voice of the Beloved, meditated upon daily, created in her that intimate space for the fire of God that enflamed her with an ardent desire for “the salvation of souls.”
Contemplation and missionary concern: the two pearls sown in the furrows of history laid out by Maria, the two stones set in a daily fullness of heaven.
In a time of obvious uncertainty and great challenges for Consecrated Life, which inevitably also touch our reality as Congregation, we must perceive the urgency of keeping this fire burning and center ourselves again upon what is essential in order not to squander its dynamism and fecundity.
(From the Circular Letter of Sr Nadia Coppa, General Superior, in the occasion of the Feast of S. Maria De Mattias, February 4, 2020)

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