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Anniversary to Remember

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Sr Sheela Mary Periyanayakam


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Thursday, 06 July 2023 08:08

AG 23 Leaflet n1

Ga 23 Leaflet N1 Leggi altre pubblicazioni su Calaméo
This year, the Solemnity of the Precious Blood of Christ had a special character. It brought together ASCs from all…
Saturday, 08 April 2023 15:32

Happy Easter

Friday, 07 April 2023 09:14

Help for Life Center

On February 5, 2023 we celebrated the World Day of Life with the theme “Death is never a solution. “God…
Thursday, 06 April 2023 08:47

Responsible in the Face of Pain

“The tragedy of Cutro reminds us that the situation of migrants and refugees is the responsibility of everyone.”On behalf of…
Wednesday, 01 February 2023 10:53

Feast of St. Maria De Mattias

“Close the little garden of your heart to everything else, keeping it open only to Jesus as the beloved bridegroom…
Friday, 20 January 2023 08:23

Legacy of Benedict XVI and consacrated life

"… It is Your Face, O Lord, that I seek!" Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s paschal passing has affected us profoundly.…
Wednesday, 18 January 2023 10:10

VIVAT Spain Workshop

In line with our program, the Vivat Spain group organized a training day on October 22 to raise awareness and…
A Page of ASC History: 75th Anniversary of ASC presence in AmazonasWhen talking about Amazonia, we are speaking about a…
“In the fullness of time God sent his Son.”  (Gal 4:4)Lord Jesus, King of Justice and Peace, who came into…
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