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Anniversary to Remember

March 4, 1834 Founding of the congregation of the Adorers of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, Acuto


Sr Annita Orlando
Sr Maria Immakulata Liborius


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Friday, 30 December 2022 10:28

Mary The Mother Of God and World Day for Peace

“In the fullness of time God sent his Son.”  (Gal 4:4)

Lord Jesus, King of Justice and Peace, who came into the world through the availability of Mary your Mother, grant us Your Peace!

May Mary, the Mother of God, help us to Live in Fullness!


“The Church is bearer of a proclamation of fullness of life: … Christ present in the midst of God’s people.”  (DCS n. 41)
Fullness flowed from the Mother of God: through her humble, faith-filled heart and her flesh all imbued with the Holy Spirit.  She is the first creature to experience the fullness bestowed by Jesus' presence, and from her we inherit this inner perception that nurtures gratitude as the only worthy response to God's immense gift for all.
Mary's openness not only allows the Son of God to enter the world, but also makes it possible for all humanity to be adopted, in her, by God.  Mary becomes the Mother of God and of all humanity. Through her, we creatures are recognized as God’s children, capable of a new freedom and responsible for a new inheritance and a new covenant.  In her, the humanity of Jesus is possible, guaranteed and protected.  In her, our divinity is realized.
 (Advent 2022 Letter – Sr. Nadia Coppa, ASC General Superior)
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