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Anniversary to Remember

March 4, 1834 Founding of the congregation of the Adorers of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, Acuto


Sr Annita Orlando
Sr Maria Immakulata Liborius


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Wednesday, 05 July 2023 10:51

In the Blood of Christ... "new all things" (Rev. 21:5)

This year, the Solemnity of the Precious Blood of Christ had a special character. It brought together ASCs from all over the world who came to the XXII General Assembly. This special moment in history was spent at the side of St. Maria De Mattias. At 9:30 a.m. Fr. Terenzio Pastore, Provincial Superior of CPPS, celebrated the Eucharist on the Mystery of the Precious Blood. At the beginning of the homily we were given a short task. We were to complete the sentence The Blood of Christ is... The answer to this question will probably accompany us at other times as well, during personal reflection and prayer.  The liturgy was enriched by dances: an introductory dance performed by the ASC sisters from Tanzania and a praise dance performed by the sisters from India. After the Eucharist, we continued in a joyful atmosphere and were hosted in the Generalate House. It was a great joy to meet the ASC novices, who participated in the Eucharist and the moment of meeting with us. In the afternoon, the Assembly members got together using the proposed dynamic to get to know each other and to say something about their culture. I hope the beautiful moment of celebrating the Solemnity of the Precious Blood together gave new impetus to continue walking together.

ag 1 luglio

On July 2, with a votive Mass on the Holy Spirit, presided over by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Apostolic Societies, the XXII General Assembly of our Congregation of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, coming from different countries, began. In multiculturality, AG members renewed their will to walk together as one body, following the Cross of Jesus and holding a red cloth as a symbol of the path of the shed Blood of Christ and the suffering of humanity.  The solemn entrance was accompanied by a specially prepared song containing the theme of the Assembly: In the Blood of Christ... "new all things" (Rev. 21:5). Sister Nadia Coppa welcomed Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, the Assembly participants, ASCs connected online, and CPPS. In his homily, the Cardinal Prefect recalled that Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Every renewal, every transformation of life, is a return to the source. Jesus Christ, born of Mary, accepted death on the cross to give us new life. He impels us toward our neighbor.

After the thanksgiving, each delegate was called by name and received candles with the logo of the 22th General Assembly. Following the blessing, the sisters, with the song In the Blood of Christ... "new all things," went to the Assembly Hall.

Sister Nadia Coppa, Superior General, in her speech emphasized the uniqueness of the present time and the event that is the XXII General Assembly. We meet not only to take stock of the past, but above all to read the signs of the times and discover together, in an atmosphere of prayer, how to put into practice the charism given to St. Maria De Mattias in our time and in the places where we are called to serve.

The meeting took place at the Provincial House of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in Rome, where we were welcomed with open hearts and Christian hospitality.

ag 2 luglio

Sr Ewa Kleps, ASC

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