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Wednesday, 05 December 2018 10:27

Extended General Council 2018

Having chosen a theme and designed a logo, having prepared the newly renovated conference hall at the Generalate, having welcomed the 14 Regional leaders and Foundation coordinators from around the world, having tested the translation equipment, having placed all in God’s hands…we are ready to begin the Extended General Council

giorno 1 titolo
“To open our hearts to Transformation”…after testing the translation equipment and all worked well, we went to the church for the ritual roll call calling each of us to be light. We carried our candles from the church up to the third floor conference room where Sr. Nadia formally opened the EGC sharing a vision of transformation that calls us to more than just change, it is a call to interior conversion, personally and in the congregation. The afternoon was spent in reflection and sharing and getting to know each other. The day ended with conversation and laughter over dinner in a full dining room!

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“We give priority to listening”…Rosanna Virgili, Bible scholar and author shared with us today on biblical and spiritual aspects of transformation, challenging us to a transformation that is led by the Spirit, a transformation that is not afraid to listen and respond to the urgencies of today and the most difficult, a transformation of our mental structures, leading us to greater communion.

GIORNO 2Giorno 3 titolo
“A wider vision of our Congregation”…we heard from each Regional leader and Foundation coordinator about the reality of their area from which emerged the common threads throughout the Congregation of our strong sense of mission, rootedness in the Word and fidelity to charism and we heard the common calls of responding to the many needs, moving from international to intercultural and for unity. In the afternoon, the General Administration shared their plan for the 6 years of their term. Of special interest were the 5 direction areas of prophetic calls, mutual encounter, covenantal relationships, fruitful sharing and creating communion. It was a rich sharing during a very full day that joined us closer together
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”Towards that beautiful order of things”...Pilgrimage to Vallecorsa and Acuto, places of our origins and roots

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“Transformation Paths…We are committed to International and Intercultural Formation”…Sr. Maria Cristina Avalos SSpS led us on a journey this afternoon to help us learn to live intentionally our diversity, a journey of ongoing conversion as we look at culture through the lens of awareness, relationships and process, a journey that moves us from tolerance of differences to an appreciation and celebration of differences, a journey that has its paschal moments and is not always easy but shows us we can live in communion as reflection of God’s image.

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“Transformation Paths, Revision of the proper law of the Congregation”… Exploring the values, needs and concepts for the work of revision of our constitution. This full day was animated by the commission Srs. Ivana Paialunga, Ana Marjia Antolovic and Vicki Bergkamp, along with Sr. Bridget Pulickakunnel, General Councilor liaison and Fr. Leonello Leidi, C.P., canonist.
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“Transformation Paths, vulnerable Foundations and Regions – possible paths, Novitiate of the Congregation”…our morning session was dedicated to looking at situations that indicate vulnerability within our Congregation and sharing about our Continental Areas. In the afternoon we heard from the commission developing the formation plan in light of the Congregational novitiate, Sr. Maria Hughes joined us by skype to facilitate the sharing and Sr. Rosemary Howarth, SSND also came online to share her experience of the international novitiate she directs for her congregation. We topped the day off with a fun evening at the Italian Regional House. Thanks!!

GIORNO 8Giorno 9 titolo
“Transformation Paths”…an intense day of reports, sharing and information as we covered canonical visitation, 185th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation, JPIC and VIVAT, International Spirituality Center, Secretary Office and Communication, Treasurer’s Office and the Congregational Fund…WOW!
GIORNO 9Giorno 10 titolo
Our Extended General Council has come to a close. These have been full days of blessings, challenges and calls. After our final session, we celebrated with an animated closing Mass, during which Sr. Nadia, General Superior, gave each of us a small clay vessel, sending us forth in mission to be the transformation that generates Life in the world. And we finished by praying in front of Saint Maria De Mattias. The festivities concluded with lunch, laughter and sharing together. We go from this meeting with great hope and also some uncertainties and fears but with deep trust in the Lord on our common journey.
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