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Anniversary to Remember

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Sr Clelia Mencarelli
Sr Giuseppina Palumbo
Sr Giuseppina Valente
Sr Klara Puljić


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Thursday, 28 November 2019 10:36

Let us pray for the Albanian people

In the middle of the night a strong earthquake struck on the northern coast of Albania.
The city of Durres is very affected. There are at least deads and hundreds wounded. Numerous damage to buildings. They are running against the clock to recover people trapped under the rubble. The shock was very strong; it was felt even in Italy.
We express our closeness and solidarity to our sisters, their families and above all, with the Albanian people deeply wounded by this disaster.
Let us feel united with a praying heart and live this Paschal experience in profound communion.
Blood of Jesus protect us and save us!

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Sr. Nadia, ASC
General Superior
and collaborators

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