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Wednesday, 02 September 2020 10:34

Regional Election Assembly and Installation of the Region's Administrative Service

The Adorers of the Blood of the Zagreb Region elected their Regional Superior and councilors for a five-year term (2020-2025) during their Election Assembly July 3-5, 2020.
Let us invoke God’s blessings on the new Regional Superior and Councilors and wish them every good for the service of responsibility the community entrusted to them.  
The second session of the IV Regional Election Assembly of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ of the Zagreb Region began in the chapel of the convent with a solemn Eucharistic celebration with Father Tomislav Glavnik, Conventional OFM, and Assembly Moderator, presiding.
In addition to Sr. Nadia Coppa, General Superior, and Sr. Matija Pavić, general councilor, 34 Sisters attended.  Sister Ana Marija Antolović, regional superior and president of the Assembly, expressed a warm welcome and opened the Assembly session.  Sr. Nadia communicated the greetings, prayers and best wishes of the Sisters of the General Council and of all the Sisters of the Congregation and hoped that the Assembly would be guided by the Holy Spirit.  The session was capably led by the Sisters of the Regional Election Assembly Preparation Commission: Sisters Marijana Pintarić, Bernarda Krišyoć. Mirijam Kuštreba and Laura Cukar.
Sr. Nadia Coppa and Father Tomislav, the moderator, helped the participants with inspired words for their work of responsibility.  They encouraged hope and a positive approach for the life and vitality of the Region, in spite of the fragility that is part of our reality as ASCs.  Such an approach created a pleasant spiritual atmosphere and friendship among the Sisters.
The General Superior confirmed the election of the Regional Superior and Councilors before all the participants at the Assembly and the moderator, giving the seal of the Region to the newly elected Regional Superior with appropriate words of congratulations.  
The newly elected Council of the Zagreb Region for the 2020-2025 term will serve the Sisters of the Region.  It is made up of:
Sr. ZDRAVKA LEUTAR, Regional Superior
Sr. ANA LIPOVAC, Regional Councilor
Sr. MARIJA PRANJIĆ, Regional Councilor
Sr. VESNA ABRAMOVIĆ, Regional Councilor
After the election, the Sisters expressed their dream for the Zagreb Region: they creatively formed a chain connecting all the Sisters, symbolizing their belonging to the ASC community.  The young Sisters did a dance which included the newly elected regional administration Sisters in it.  
The installation ceremony of regional administrative service of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ was held on July 11, 2020 in the Zagreb regional house at Tuškanac 56.
While respecting the necessary safety measures, about fifty Sisters of the Region attended the solemn installation ceremony in which the newly elected Regional Superior and the newly elected regional councilors assumed the task of serving the region for a five-year term.  Sr. Damjana Kovačević will be secretary and Sr. M. Anita Ferketin will be treasurer.
The Sisters expressed their gratitude to the previous Regional Superior, Sr. Ana Marija Antolović, and the regional councilors, Sisters Cecilija Milković, Tomislava Ćavar and Danijela Anić.
After words of blessing and congratulations, the Regional Superior, Sr. Zdravka Leutar, addressed those present, thanking the Sister for their trust, stressing that she wants to show this trust through deeds and serve the Region in humility of heart with the other Sisters of the Council.  She invited the Sisters to cooperate, dialogue and communicate about the process of spiritual transformation of each Sister, community and the Region.
The celebration continued around a table prepared in the courtyard where everyone joyfully participated in a shared agape.
Sr Bernarda Krištić, ASC
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