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Sr Celine Birk


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Monday, 14 December 2020 09:57

Mary Immaculate - "Rejoice! Full of grace" (Lk 1:28)

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception which we celebrate today invites us to contemplate the beauty and purity of Mary to fill  or who fills our lives with light.
Through the Mother of God and our Mother, we are inspired to awaken within us the amazement for a God who comes, comes in our history, comes in our lives, with a love that surpasses all our desires.
Mary's experience takes us back to the root, to the heart, of the Christian experience, which is unspeakable because it is so human that it is divine, a story of communion so intimate between the finite and the Infinite, between flesh and Word...
With the proclamation of the Angel a story begins: the mystery of God's encounter with humanity: the mystery of the boundless Love of God, which breaks into the heart and flesh of a woman....
"Rejoice! Full of grace. The Lord is with you."
Rejoice, Beloved of God, you are no longer alone: He is with you! Words addressed to Mary, but also addressed to each of us, since the Good News of the Gospel has entered our lives. We too are called: "full of grace!” We are all "graced.” It is the essence of our being, our new name, the imprint of our personhood or humanity. And this puts within us so much joy, an infinite joy!
The story of Mary is my story and yours. Again the angel is sent to your home and says to you, “Rejoice, you are full of grace! God is within you and He fills you with life.”
The mystery of the Immaculate Conception is a source of inner light, hope and comfort. In the midst of life's trials and especially the contradictions we experience within us and around us, Mary, Mother of Christ, tells us that grace is greater than sin, that God's mercy is more powerful than evil and can and will transform it into good.
We are encouraged to fix our gaze on the beauty of the Mother of God, and contemplate the transformation brought about by grace while nourishing in our hearts the desire to recover within us the kindness and charm of the Mystery.
Kindness, in fact, fills with light the life not only of the one who receives it, but also of the one who gives it because it brings us into relationship, makes us go beyond the boundaries of ourselves and opens us to deep communion. It creates invisible alliances that dampen loneliness and fill every void.
Pope Francis writes in the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti: "It is still possible to choose to exercise kindness. There are people who do it and become stars in the midst of darkness. Kindness helps others so that their existence is more bearable and is capable of creating a healthy coexistence that generates life." (n. 223)
Then our concrete action is precisely to RECOVER THE KINDNESS.
We can ask ourselves in our prayer: How is grace transforming my life? How is kindness growing within me?
Let us go to Mary's school to welcome the blessed Fruit of her womb.
Let us learn from Mary silence and how to welcome the Word. She suggests to us faith, wonder, hope, and charity. She shows us the way of kindness and beauty because she is, from eternity and forever, the Tota Pulchra.
A blessed day!

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