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Anniversary to Remember

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Sr Maria Grazia Raimonti
Sr Palmina Aquilanti


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Wednesday, 03 November 2021 10:00

Entrance to the Novitiate

On Saturday, October 2, the day the Church celebrates the feast of the Guardian Angels, five young women – Agnes, Pia, Marika, Anjelister and Reshma- were formally welcomed to begin their canonical novitiate year according to the Constitution of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ.  
The three Tanzanian Sisters, who have been in Italy since last January, together with the Italian and Indian Sisters, finally saw their long-cherished wish come true after having waited so long for this moment due to the difficulties created by the pandemic.  The members of the General Administration, the formation community, the Regional Superior of Italy and some of the councilors of the Italian Region and Sr. Melania Shirima and Sr Salamma Vazhayil, representing the Regional Superiors of Tanzania and India, were present for the celebration.  The celebration was prepared with songs sung by the novices, who, at the end, with a presentation of the call of the twelve apostles gave a reflection and Gospel message about the gift of a calling.  In commenting on the passage of Samuel’s vocation, which was chosen for the celebration, Sr. Nadia also spoke of the beauty and mystery of a vocation.  Her words were intense and profound.  “The passage presents very well for us the dynamics of our encounter with the Lord and the mystery of vocation, which is gift and mystery.  Samuel is in the temple, the place of God’s presence.  God calls Samuel during the night; the night is a place of silence.  We must go into silence, find silence in order to look for God’s face.  We must create inner space, withdraw to welcome the Mystery of the Word that is challenging us.  God calls Samuel by name.  God knows our name.  We are not in the world by chance. The most wonderful thing, but also the most difficult, the most challenging is to discover our vocation.  Eli, the priest, is Samuel’s guide.  We must also be helped, allow ourselves to be accompanied in welcoming the Lord.  Eli is also our finding ourselves together in a life of beautiful fraternity, because life in community helps us to understand God’s call and the response we must give.  ‘Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.’  We must learn to listen and not let any Word of the Lord fall by the wayside.  Samuel, as a boy who listens, becomes a man who proclaims, first to Eli and then to all of Israel.  The Lord does not just speak for our consolation, but to invite us to collaborate with Jesus in his redemptive work.    
Our lives are prophecy for the Reign if we live the Gospel by trying to embody the attitudes and feelings of Jesus.
We are called in order to call, evangelized in order to evangelize, consoled in order to console.  Being missionaries is an integral part of every vocation and of our vocation as Adorer-apostles in the Church.” 
Thirteen communities joyfully and enthusiastically participated in the celebration online.  Following the celebration there was a dinner, which always represents a time of unity and discussion.  During the dinner, the community sang songs and gave the novices gifts. Each novice received an icon of the Archangels so that, in this time of grace, under the guidance of the Angels, they may learn to discover and to recognize the “face” of the Father and the Son Jesus, in their own hearts and in each brothers and sisters, to whom God sends us.

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Sr Maria Grazia Boccamazzo
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