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Monday, 03 January 2022 11:37

Well-Being in School

A psychological-pedagogical team to support students, families and teachers was formed

This response to a concrete need of our time has been a great opportunity for our area.  This is the “Well-being at School” project at the Precious Blood Institute in Bari.  It is a psychological and pedagogical team made available to the scholastic community by our Institute, animated by its tireless attention to the human.  It also serves the entire capital of Puglia, where the Adorers have been involved in education for almost a century.  This response to a concrete need of our time has been a great opportunity for our area.  This is the “Well-being at School” project at the Precious Blood Institute in Bari.  It is a psychological and pedagogical team made available to the scholastic community by our Institute, animated by its tireless attention to the human.  It also serves the entire capital of Puglia, where the Adorers have been involved in education for almost a century.  Last October 13, during a press conference, the PBI administration in the persons of the Leadership team of the Institute, Sr. Giuseppina Fragasso, Sister Francesca Palamà and Professor Angelamaria Garofalo, introduced the project and the members of the team and listening center.  The presence at the event of representatives from other Institutes in the area underscored the fruitful interweaving of the life of the Institute with the entire surrounding social fabric, as well the important contribution the community of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ represents for the human growth of the city of Bari.  The Ombudsman of the rights of minors, children and adolescents of the Puglia Region, Dr. Ludovico Abbaticchio, was present, as were the Councilor for Public Instruction of the Municipality of Bari, Paola Romano, and the President of the CISM Catholic Parochial Schools of Puglia, Father Luigi Gaetani.  “Well-being at School” was created in the scholastic environment to support the educational community, the students and families in the natural path of formation and growth, which is threatened today and greatly weakened by the pandemic.  Its purpose is that of responding to new family and relational challenges of the children, emphasized by the isolation imposed by the pandemic situation that recently marked the whole of society.  Psychological and pedagogical support – explained during the presentation – aims to support and re-establish that psychological wellbeing necessary for educational and didactic success of each student.  There are many, too many, critical issues impacting the children and teens following the consequences of the pandemic.  But not only that, restlessness being in groups, excessive use of smartphones and computers are only some of the obstacles to be overcome.  The school is aware of the urgent need of expert help in order not to just navigate by sight, but to know exactly where to take the right steps and be a reference point for parents who are often disoriented and ask to be educated in parenting.   Conceived some time ago and strongly desired by the administration of our Institute in Bari, the psychological-pedagogical team is made up of high-quality local professionals: Dr. Giacoma Panzarino, pedagogue, Dr. Chiara Leuci, psychologist, Dr. Francesca Gioieni, psychotherapist, Dr. Caterina Pucci, psychomotor therapist, and Sr. Liana Campanelii, teacher of justice education and graduate in psychology.  At the end of the meeting, Sister Francesca Palamà recalled how at the heart of the commitment of the Precious Blood Institute there has been the constant overall wellbeing of the person, pursued with unceasing competence and care.  This year the Precious Blood Institute chose to enrich the educational offerings for children 3 to 5 years of age with the project “Playing is a serious matter!”, a pedagogical process and attention to the growth and wellbeing of the child, which includes workshops of psychomotor activities, roller skating and learning English, and aims to foster the harmonious and complete psycho-physical development of the children.
Aware that “staying close” is a mission to be built day by day, the Precious Blood Institute of Bari has also thought of a human-spiritual training program for families in order to enter into the daily lives of the parents engaged in the educational challenge, made even more complex by recent events and in general by a society in continuous and rapid evolution.  Inspired by the Global Educational Pact promoted by Pope Francis, the first step toward a restart that is able to “guarantee access to quality education to everyone that be worthy of the dignity of every person, ”is the “PBI Space.”  This is the title of the program proposed by the Institute to all families who would like to take part in it.  It is a response to the men and women desiring encounter, dialogue and discussion among diversities.Aware that “staying close” is a mission to be built day by day, the Precious Blood Institute of Bari has also thought of a human-spiritual training program for families in order to enter into the daily lives of the parents engaged in the educational challenge, made even more complex by recent events and in general by a society in continuous and rapid evolution.  Inspired by the Global Educational Pact promoted by Pope Francis, the first step toward a restart that is able to “guarantee access to quality education to everyone that be worthy of the dignity of every person, ”is the “PBI Space.”  This is the title of the program proposed by the Institute to all families who would like to take part in it.  It is a response to the men and women desiring encounter, dialogue and discussion among diversities.
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