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Sr Sheela Mary Periyanayakam


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Friday, 05 April 2024 09:55

The "Surprise" of Easter

Children like to find out what is inside the Easter egg and would like to open it ahead of time. The surprise inside is important to them: a fun toy, a piece of jewelry, an object to build...
The real "surprise" is what Jesus' Easter gives us: the mystery hidden for centuries that is fully revealed in the Lord's death and resurrection. Unfortunately, like the children who, after breaking the chocolate egg are disappointed because they do not find in it what they were expecting, we too feel dissatisfied because our lives do not change, because the ordinary daily routine offers us nothing new and everything continues to be as it always was.
Yet the surprise of Christ's Easter lies within us, hidden but present. The memorial we celebrate in the Eucharist takes us back to that day when life conquered death, light drove out darkness, hope overcame disappointment. Like the disciples, we too can face the struggle of looking inside the empty tomb and allow ourselves to be questioned by the small signs that tell us that our joy is important and that we should not allow anyone to snatch it from us.
The young Hetty Hillesum, killed in Aushwitz, knew how to rejoice in the sky reflected inside a puddle in the prison camp, in the colorful flowers beyond the barbed wire, in the kindest gesture of a jailer. There is so much pain in the world and around us, but the Crucified and Risen Lord has told us that this is not all: let Him make us the puddle that reflects the sky, the colorful flower beyond the wall, the smile of peace that widens our heart. We, united with Christ, will be the real surprise to those around us.
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