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Monday, 20 May 2019 11:00

Canonical Visitation Experience - Zagreb Region

CollageThe Sisters of the Zagreb Region
gladly share their 2019 canonical visitation experience
with the entire Congregation

My experience of the canonical visitation was like a special gift from God.  The General Superior and her Council respectfully and lovingly showed us the things that are not going well and what can be improved.  Transformation requires patience and attention.
Everything grows gradually, but God alone makes things grow.  Love and effort were invested in this canonical visitation and I participated in the meetings with an open heart.  I experienced simplicity and encouragement.  We all noted differences but also things in common.  I felt how important each Sister is and her opinion and feelings.  We all had enough time to say what we wanted.  In an atmosphere of sincerity, we made decisions about what we want to put into practice.  These small, but concrete steps will certainly help us greatly to grow in community.  I thank the General Administration for the preparation and time dedicated to us, for their simplicity, humility, love and genuine concern and interest in each Sister.
Sr. Katica Tušek, Banja Luka

I truly experienced this visitation as an “encounter.”  Though I knew that everything had been prepared (materials, tasks, times for personal and communal work, sharing, …) it seemed to me as if everything was evolving spontaneously, and therefore, it was wonderful and enriching.
Sr. Marija Bilanović, Zagreb, Miramarska

I am very happy and I admired the preparation and the work done by our General Administration.  The contents were rich.  I was especially happy because the General Administration visited our community of Ražanac.  Glory to the Blood of Christ!
Sr. Ana Iveljić, Ražanac

I experienced this visitation with great emotion.  I was impressed by their simplicity and approach.  The program, rich in content, was carried out well and it was encouraging for me, an Adorer of the Blood of Christ.  Our Regional Superior, Sr. Ana Marija Antolović, translated very clearly, calmly and with dignity.
Sr. Virginija Kolić, Bjelovar

The meeting with the General Administration let me experience communion and diversity through the various cultures and symbols of our ASC charism.  I admired the ways and richness of living the Gospel in the various realities and missions.  I thank God for all the richness I “memorized in my heart” and I ask Him for the grace and strength to live it in my daily life.
Sr. Benita Antolović, Vrsar

I was encouraged by the visitation of our Sisters through the meetings we had.  I go forward with renewed desire to deepen my ASC spirituality and communion with all our Sisters and all our loved ones.
Sr. Ljubica Radovac, Okučani

From the beginning the canonical visitation filled my life with newness.  We had a rich experience and opportunity for growth.  We are grateful for the journey through which we felt we contribute to the richness of the Church.  We are happy because we can witness to God’s face in community, to the people with whom we work and those we encounter.  The theme of the visitation gave us a clear vision of what our lifestyle has to be.  Thanks to the General Administration for having given us this time of communion and interest.
Sr. Ljubica Šumić and Sr. Severina Šokić, Bihać

When I think about the meeting with the general administration, my heart is filled with gratitude and I lack words to express everything I felt.  The activities, gestures, looks – everything is etched in my heart and gave me new strength for daily life.  “Hearts in communion, Gospel in the world,” is a very concrete and current theme.  I often go back in my memory to the days of our meetings, to what we shared together.  I am especially grateful for the wonderful atmosphere that was created among us, for the openness, freedom of dialogue, and understanding.  Our personal and communal wings for our dreams grow in this way.  My personal decision, following the group meeting was significant for me.  I will committedly try to put the decision into practice in my daily life, this decision representing the true fruits of our group meeting.  I am especially grateful to God and to my Sisters for this and for everything!
Sr. Sunčica Kunić, Zagreb, Miramarska

The thought guiding me during the canonical visitation was the Scripture passage of Philippians 2:2-5 (hearts in communion: Gospel in the World …)  We worked personally and in groups with very vital dynamics, which were often current to our life situations.  My Sisters gladly participated and wanted to say what they thought.  The program included working with symbols.  This was the true communication of the image of communion expressed in a very concrete and creative way.  For me the international experience was an enrichment that creates new experiences and new thoughts about the charism of communion.  The universality of God’s saving love goes beyond the pictures of the people, cultures, and religions because it touches each person.  The love of the Holy Spirit was poured out in all of humanity to open it and gather it into the true source of love, in the Father.
Sr. Ankica Klepić, Zagreb, Trešnjevka

The canonical visitation was done in a spontaneous and balanced spirit, thanks to the previously done preparation work and the planning of the meetings.  I felt that we gathered with Jesus in the field of our experiences of personal and communal life as we were together in communion.  The Holy Spirit was acting and spoke through the mouths of each of us.  The sharing and listening to others helped me to easily read my attitudes, express my experiences and situations, and remind me of what is important.
Sr. Jadranka Obućina, Sarajevo

In a spirit of joy and expectation, we were all ready to listen to what the Lord is saying to us through the canonical visitation – “Hearts … in Communion: Gospel in the World.”  In the times of personal and group reflection and during the sharing of our experiences, we felt the call to spiritual growth and transformation.  The meeting with the General Administration left us in joy and peace with the desire to grow in order to have … the sentiments that were in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 2:3)  
Sisters of Nova Topola community

The canonical visitation was a wonderful experience of communion for me.  It encouraged me to an ongoing journey in faith and made me better understand that what I do is for the growth of the Congregation.  I was amazed at the readiness of the General Administration to listen to each Sister.  They gave time to each person and learned our names.  It was demanding but fruitful.
Sr. Zvonimira Borščak, Zadar

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