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Friday, 24 May 2019 10:37

Seminar for the treasurers of the Congregation: "The human face of Economics"

seminario econome collage

From May 13 to 18, at the Generalate, a seminar was held for the Regional and Foundation treasurers of the Congregation, organized by Sister Manuela Nocco, ASC General Treasurer, which was attended by 14 ASC’s. The theme of the seminar moved in the steps of the ecclesial document: Economics in the Service of the Charism and of the Mission.

 The seminar "The human face of economics", desired by the General Administration, followed the wake of the Spirit that animated the Acts GA 2017

It is primarily an intercultural experience of knowledge, reflection and in-depth study that helps us live the entrusted responsibility with a global vision and open hearts in the evangelical spirit of solidarity and sharing in a world where human, spiritual and social poverty challenges us from every corner of the earth. 

We want an economy that serves life and mission…, an economy that helps us live the vow of solidarity and sharing.  I am not speaking about the vow of poverty, but of sharing and preferential option for the poor,

for the least….

(From the introductory reflection to the seminar of Sr. Nadia Coppa, ASC General Superior)

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