In the beginning of March, cases were confirmed in the Philippines. The Philippine government immediately acted on measures to prevent the spread of the disease. Fear is felt everywhere. Community quarantines were ordered, from a simple quarantine, to enhanced, to extreme. Only one person from each family is allowed to go out and provide for basic needs, all establishments are closed except for those related to basic necessities. Social distancing is strictly observed.
Despite the preventive measures, numbers of afflicted are increasing day after day. Doctors die in service, a lot more are infected. It is the time when discernment is not anymore needed. St. Maria De
Mattias Mission Clinic is a place where sick people can go for refuge especially when hospitals are more focused on the Covid 19 cases. Fear and care for families kept the collaborators at home for
their safety.
As long as there are doctors committed to save lives, the Mission clinic will continue its operation with the 3 Adorers as its frontliners. It was not an extraordinary move, it was not even a fruit of a long discernment. We just find ourselves united in a natural response of being Adorers who heard the cry of the blood.
It is a risk for we never will know if one of our patients is infected with the virus, but risk is a path which St. Maria De Mattias took a lot of times to collaborate with Christ in His work of redemption.
Risk is our path too, but in taking this risk, we are also in the stance of protecting ourselves with necessary precautions to be as safe as possible. We cannot stop living out our charism and spirituality especially in times when it is most needed. We only die once; what matters is how we lived. We are blessed that daily Eucharistic celebration is held in our chapel as Masses in parishes are suspended. We are blessed that the tasks for the coming Holy Week celebration is given to us Religious in our parish for the online viewing of the people. “Frontliners,” this is our identity, not only in witnessing our faith but acting on it. We are the frontliners of Christ, vaccinated with His precious Blood according to Pope Francis.
We continue to be united in prayers for the healing of the world. We, Adorers, continue to be frontliners of the Church in our own little ways; in our own given realities and circumstances.
Keep safe everyone.
Sr. Flor Manga, ASC