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Anniversary to Remember

March 4, 1834 Founding of the congregation of the Adorers of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, Acuto


Sr Annita Orlando
Sr Maria Immakulata Liborius


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Saturday, 16 May 2020 11:05

May 18, 2020: 17th anniversary of the canonization of S. Maria De Mattias

"Through this sufferings,
there has increased in me the desire to love Jesus,
the strength to do the little good, that I am doing and the desire to help,
the souls of my neighbor, I trust in the Divine Will."
(Maria De Mattias, Letter to Don Giovanni Merlini, September 1840)

Dear Sisters, friends, many wishes for holiness!
On this day when we celebrate the memory of the canonization of Saint Maria De Mattias, let us be inspired by her transfigured existence. She encourages us to make the Gospel our life by becoming a reflection of the Beloved as we serve him in the unconditional acceptance of our humanity.
In this moment of global uncertainty and vulnerability, a return to the essential is urgently needed: a return to the heart of our vocation as women called to be Gospel through a simple life, increasingly shared and rooted in the fire of Love.
Let us live the call to holiness as an invitation to accept restlessness of heart, which makes us continuously desire a "the more" of fullness and eternity never reached, and to cultivate gratitude, recognizing in our daily existence the signs through which the Lord accompanies us and leads us.
Let us open ourselves to the gift of holiness without calculation, with gratitude and detachment because the heart has recognized elsewhere its own wealth, in a treasure that is love and that is relationship with the person of the Lord.
May God continuously renew us in His Blood, and may we more and more aware that communion with Him is His gift which frees us and opens us to entrust ourselves to His mercy, while we recognize the primacy of the Father to whom we willingly abandon ourselves, even when everything is darkness.
Let us unite our lives to the Lord Jesus and his mystery by rediscovering that at the root of our following there is an experience, an encounter that has transformed our hearts. This contemplative dimension makes daily life appear to us in all its dignity and meaning, bringing us back to relive what was in Jesus' life, in full acceptance of his Easter in us.
May Saint Maria De Mattias, give us the gift of responding to this fascinating vocation  in the knowledge that this is the mission of our life: that is why we are in this world.(cf. EG 273).
Best wishes, with love,
Sr. Nadia Coppa, ASC
Superior General
and collaborators
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